- トップ >
- 2014年度
No. | 論文題名 | 発表雑誌 | 発行の巻(号)頁,年 | 著者 |
1 | Serum Uric Acid Concentration is Linked to Wearing-off Fluctuation in Japanese Parkinson's Disease Patients. | J Parkinsons Dis | 4: 499-505, 2014 | Fukae J, Ishikawa KI, Hatano T, Yoritaka A, Takanashi M, Shimo Y, Tsugawa J, Tsuboi Y, Hattori N. |
2 | LRRK2 exonic variants and risk of multiple system atrophy. | Neurology | 83(24):2256-61, 2014 | Heckman MG, Schottlaender L, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Diehl NN, Rayaprolu S, Ogaki K, Fujioka S, Murray ME, Cheshire WP, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Farrer MJ, Sailer A, Singleton AB, Chinnery PF, Keogh MJ, Gentleman SM, Holton JL, Aoife K, Mann DM, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Dickson DW, Houlden H, Ross OA. |
3 | Analysis of COQ2 gene in multiple system atrophy. | Mol Neurodegen | 9:44, 2014 | Ogaki K, Fujioka S, Heckman MG, Rayaprolu S, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Labb? C, Walton RL, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Wang X, Asmann Y, Rademakers R, Graff-Radford N, Uitti R, Cheshire WP, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW, Ross OA. |
4 | Hippocampal sclerosis in Lewy body disease is a TDP-43 proteinopathy similar to FTLD-TDP Type A. | Acta Neuropathol | 129:53-64, 2014 | Aoki N, Murray ME, Ogaki K, Fujioka S, Rutherford NJ, Rademakers R, Ross OA, Dickson DW. |
5 | A familial form of parkinsonism, dementia, and motor neuron disease: a longitudinal study. | Parkinsonism Relat Disord | 20(11):1129-34, 2014 | Fujioka S, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Tacik P, Aoki N, Strongosky AJ, Baker M, Sanchez-Contreras M, Ross OA, Rademakers R, Sossi V, Dickson DW, Stoessl AJ, Wszolek ZK. |
6 | Three families with Perry syndrome from distinct parts of the world. | Parkinsonism Relat Disord | 20(8):884-8, 2014 | Tacik P, Fiesel FC, Fujioka S, Ross OA, Pretelt F, Casta?eda Cardona C, Kidd A, Hlavac M, Raizis A, Okun MS, Traynor S, Strongosky AJ, Springer W, Wszolek ZK. |
7 | Regional distribution of synaptic markers and APP correlate with distinct clinicopathological features in sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease. | Brain | 137(Pt 5):1533-49, 2014 | Shinohara M, Fujioka S, Murray ME, Wojtas A, Baker M, Rovelet-Lecrux A, Rademakers R, Das P, Parisi JE, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Dickson DW, Bu G. |
8 | Diagnosis and management of Marchiafava-Bignami disease: a review of CT/MRI confirmed cases. | J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry | 85(2):168-73, 2014 | Hillbom M, Saloheimo P, Fujioka S, Wszolek ZK, Juvela S, Leone MA. |
9 | DCTN1 mutations and progressive supranuclear palsy-like phenotype. | JAMA Neurol | 71(5):655,2014 | Fujioka S, Tacik P, Wszolek ZK. |
10 | Branch atheromatous disease(BAD)急性期治療におけるエダラボンの有効性 | 臨牀と研究 | 91(8)1122-1126, 2014 | 尾畑 十善, 三嶋 崇靖, 坪井 義夫 |
11 | Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: systematic review of clinical outcomes. | Neurotherapeutics | 11;475-84, 2014 | Morishita T1, Fayad SM, Higuchi MA, Nestor KA, Foote KD. |
12 | Parkinsno病患者を対象としたpramipexole速放錠から徐放錠への切り替え方法の検討 | 神経治療学 | 31巻3号 349-353 | 坪井 義夫, 深江 治郎, 小林 智則, 樋口 正晃 |
13 | A Novel DCTN1 mutation with late-onset parkinsonism and frontotemporal atrophy. | Mov Disord. | 29(9):1201-4.2014 | Araki E, Tsuboi Y, Daechsel J, Milnerwood A, Vilarino-Guell C, Fujii N, Mishima T, Oka T, Hara H, Fukae J, Farrer MJ. |
14 | Official Japanese Version of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale:Validation Against the Original English Version. | Mov Disord Clin Pract (Hoboken) | 1:200-212,2014 | Kashihara K, Kondo T, Mizuno Y, Kikuchi S, Kuno S, Hasegawa K, Hattori N, Mochizuki H, Mori H, Murata M, Nomoto M, Takahashi R, Takeda A, Tsuboi Y, Ugawa Y, Yamanmoto M, Yokochi F, Yoshii F, Stebbins GT, Tilley BC, Luo S, Wang L, LaPelle NR, Goetz CG; MDS-UPDRS Japanese Validation Study Group |
15 | Different effect of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 on amyloid-β40 aggregation in vitro. | Curr Alzheimer Res | 11:745-754,2014 | Suenaga M, Takahashi H, Imagawa H, Wagatsuma M, Ouma S, Tsuboi Y, Furuta A, Matsunaga Y. |
16 | Sustained efficacy of apomorphine in Japanese patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. | Parkinsonism Relat Disord. | 20: 819-823,2014 | Hattori N, Nomoto M; 6500-004 Study Group. |
17 | Increased α-synuclein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. | J Neurol. | 261:1203-1209,2014 | Kasai T, Tokuda T, Ishii R, Ishigami N, Tsuboi Y, Nakagawa M, Mizuno T, El-Agnaf OM. |
18 | P150glued-associated disorders are caused by activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway. | PLoS One. | 9: e94645,2014 | Ishikawa K, Saiki S, Furuya N, Yamada D, Imamichi Y, Li Y, Kawajiri S, Sasaki H, Koike M, Tsuboi Y, Hattori N. |
19 | Do characteristics of dissection differ between the posterior inferior cerebellar artery and the vertebral artery? | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. | 23:2857-2861,2014 | Matsumoto J, Ogata T, Abe H |
20 | Outcome of 312 japanese patients with carotid endarterectomy and factors associated with cardiovascular events--a single-center study in japan. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. | 23:529-533,2014 | Ogata T, Inoue T, Okada Y |
21 | Gastrointestinal bleeding in acute ischemic stroke: Recent trends from the fukuoka stroke registry. | Cerebrovasc Dis Extra | 4:156-164,2014 | Ogata T, Kamouchi M, Matsuo R |
22 | Long-term morbidity and mortality of carotid endarterectomy in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. | 23:545-549,2014 | Okawa M, Ueba T, Ogata T |
23 | Improvement of cognitive function after carotid endarterectomy--a new strategy for the evaluation of cognitive function. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis | 23:1332-1336,2014 | Watanabe J, Ogata T, Hamada O |
24 | Features of brain magnetic resonance imaging diffusion-weighted images of aortogenic embolic stroke. | Circ J | 78(3):738-42,2014 | Shimada J, Yasaka M, Wakugawa Y, Ogata T |
25 | レモン果汁を用いた経腸栄養剤の半固形化に関する体外および胃内での検討 脳卒中急性期診療の工夫 | 看護実践の科学 | 39:68-73,2014 | 山本 澄子, 山田 由李子, 緒方 利安 |
26 | ニューロモジュレーションとしてのロボットスーツhal モーションレコーダーによるhal訓練前後での歩行運動評価の検討 | 機能的脳神経外科 | 53:56-60,2014 | 左村 和宏, 福田 宏幸, 緒方 利安 |
27 | ロボットスーツhalに適した短下肢装具の工夫 | 脳神経外科速報 | 24:444-449,2014 | 福田 宏幸, 左村 和宏, 緒方 利安 |
28 | 両脚型および単脚型ロボットスーツhalを使用したニューロリハビリテーションの検討 | 脳神経外科速報 | 24:898-903,2014 | 濱田 緒美, 左村 和宏, 緒方 利安 |
29 | 在宅で認知症を有する療養者を介護する男性介護者の対処尺度項目の検討 | バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 | 15-23,2014 | 西尾 美登里、尾籠 晃司、合馬 慎二、内田 直樹、西村 良二、小野 ミツ |
No. | 論文題名 | 発表雑誌 | 発行の巻(号) 頁, 年 | 著者 |
1 | Recurrent Unilateral Headache Associated with SAPHO syndrome. | Intern Med | 53: 1559-62, 2014 | Tsugawa J, Ouma S, Fukae J, Tsuboi Y |
2 | 発作性心房細動にカテーテルアブレーション療法を行い、繰り返す失神発作が改善したParkinson病の1例. | 神経治療学 | 31: 197-201, 2014 | 横手顕、福原康介、津川潤、安田智生、朔啓二郎、坪井義夫 |
3 | 多発脳神経麻痺を呈したIgG4関連肥厚性硬膜炎の1例. | BRAIN and NERVE | 66: 873-878, 2014 | 津川潤、合馬慎二、深江治郎、坪井義夫、坂田則行、井上亨 |
4 | 脳梗塞加療中に甲状腺クリーゼ、遷延性精神症状を呈した無治療バセドウ病の1例. | BRAIN and NERVE | 66: 1509-1514, 2014 | 菊池俊輔、緒方利安、深江治郎、津川潤、合馬慎二、田邊真紀人、柳瀬敏彦、坪井義夫 |
5 | 感冒症状を契機として発症したpure trigeminal motor neuropathyの1例. | 臨床神経 | 54:515-517, 2014 | 津川潤、合馬慎二、深江治郎、坪井義夫、牧 美充、法化図陽一 |
6 | Neuro-Behcet's disease with multiple ring-enhanced brain lesions. | Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience | 2: 63, 2014 | Tsugawa J, Takeshita S, Ouma S, Ogata T, Fukae J, Tsuboi Y. |
7 | A case of adult-onset reducing body myopathy presenting a novel clinical feature, asymmetrical involvement of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. | J Neurol Sci | 343:206-10, 2014 | Fujii T, Hayashi S, Kawamura N, Higuchi MA, Tsugawa J, Ohyagi Y, Hayashi YK, Nishino I, Kira J. |
8 | Revascularization for acute ischemic stroke is safe for rivaroxaban users. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. | 23(9):e427-31.2014 | Kimura S, Ogata T, Fukae J, Okawa M, Higashi T, Iwaasa M, Inoue T, Tsuboi Y. |
9 | Benign tremulomus parkinsonismで両側視床下核-深部脳刺激術が有効であった1例 | 臨床神経学 | 54(6):511-514,2014. | 深江治郎,深谷親,大島秀規,石井賢二,坪井義夫,片山容一,服部信孝. |
10 | 再発性多発軟骨炎を伴った辺縁系脳炎の1例 | NEUROIMAGING CONFERENCE 筑後・佐賀症例集 | 18: 71-74,2014 | 小倉玄睦、木村 聡、津川 潤、深江治郎、坪井義夫 |